Protax Group (Pty) Ltd is a one stop financial service solution provider. We aim to enusre that you obtain a real benefit from all our services.
Started in Life Assurance industry in 1984
Founded DLT & Associates
Renamed Protax Group
in 1987
Added Accounting Services in 1989
In 1991 added Risk Management to our service portfolio
Today we service over 5000 clients
Employ more than 30
staff members

Through service excellence, innovative techniques and attention to detail, we provide our clients with the selected financial services they need to plan ahead in order to create and protect wealth.

Company Background
Started in Life Assurance industry in 1984
Founded DLT & Associates
Renamed Protax Group in 1987
Added Accounting Services in 1989
In 1991 added Risk Management to our service portfolio
Today we service over 5000 clients
Employ more than 30 staff members

Our Business Philosophy

  • To build long-term relationships with our clients and staff.
  • To assist our staff to achieve their business goals and have fun doing so.
  • We regard ourselves as a learning organisation - accepting change regularly.
  • Our team understands profitability and the concept of "a business within a business".
  • We encourage open and honest communication.
  • We are reliable and use good judgment with our clients.
  • We operate in an environment of mutual trust and respect.
  • To grow our client base with clients who are ecstatic with our service.
  • We aim to get it right - first time every time.
  • We do not tolerate non-performance.

Group Structure


Protax Financial Administrators
(Pty) LTD
(Pty) LTD
Protax Estate Planners
(Pty) LTD
Protax Insurance Brokers
(Pty) LTD
Protax Financial Services
(Pty) LTD
Protax Trust Company
(Pty) LTD

National Credit Act

Since its inception in June, the National Credit Act has had a huge impact upon the private and commercial lives of South African citizens. Having widespread effect on credit agreements and the consumer’s ability to gain access to credit, the NCA has impacted upon anyone seeking access to, and offering credit facilities, which in effect, includes the majority of economically active South African citizens and institutions.

As a financial services provider, Protax has been following the events leading up to the implementation of the act, as well as the effects of this legislation after implementation. Our duty and commitment to our clients ensures that we take cognisance of, and react upon the effects that the NCA holds for the financial wellbeing of our clients.

We at Protax are committed to the practice of employment Equity, We promote equity in the workplace by:

Promoting equal opportunity and fair treatment in employment through the elimination of unfair discrimination; and implementing affirmative action measures to redress the disadvantages in employment experienced by designated groups, to ensure their equitable representation in all occupational categories and levels in the workforce.

75% of the management team are female.
60% of the staff are female.
25% of the staff are from the previously disadvantaged groups.

Promotion is normally within the group and no sections of the above are given any advantage – ability, experience and competence are the criteria applied.